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Reasons to Become a Certified Nursing Assistant

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) serve an important role in any hospital setting. CNAs shoulder many responsibilities that make them a key part of any healthcare team. In addition to delivering hands-on care, they also work under the supervision of nurses and help with many tasks for patient care, such as providing ultrasound services and assisting with other medical procedures.
As a trusted medical facility in Waterford, Michigan, we will discuss the reasons why you should consider a career as a certified nursing assistant:

  • Gain the opportunity to specialize
    After finishing a CNA program, CNAs can start working and explore different potential specialty areas. The shorter training period means CNAs can quickly get their foot in the door of the healthcare industry. A CNA credential also opens the doors to educational programs and career opportunities to progress as a registered nurse and specialize in areas like oncology, acute care, and pediatrics.
  • Affordability and job stability
    Since CNAs earn a certification instead of a degree, the financial commitment is much lower, which makes it a more affordable training option for aspiring students. Moreover, CNAs enjoy greater job stability, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicting a 5% employment growth from 2021-2031.
  • The chance to make a difference
    CNAs provide patients and their families with valuable services. They help patients perform daily tasks they struggle to complete on their own, including activities of daily living. They also provide companionship, which can make a huge difference in the lives of patients.

We at Assist 1 Medical Center offer high-quality training programs and diagnostic services in Michigan. We offer nursing assistant classes to prepare aspiring CNAs to deliver exceptional patient care. Reach out to us to learn more about our CNA school and other programs.

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