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How Safe Is Hydration Therapy?

Intravenous or IV fluids are widely used in the medical field as a fast and efficient way to give medication, replenish fluids, and even transfuse blood.

The idea behind IV hydration therapy and IV vitamin therapy is that delivering specially formulated cocktails of nutrients, vitamins, electrolytes, antioxidants, and sometimes medications via IV can help replenish, restore, and detoxify your body faster than drinking water, eating healthy, or taking a medication orally.

An IV drip that is not properly administered can result in serious complications such as clotting, inflammation, a bloodstream infection, and electrolyte imbalance.

If a person has kidney disease or heart disease, they should not receive IV fluids unless their doctor says it’s necessary. The potential for adverse drug interactions requires extreme caution on the part of anyone taking any kind of medication.

Intravenous therapy is a common medical practice that is highly standardized and secure when performed in a hospital or clinic. The most important aspect is that it is given by trained personnel in a sterile environment.

As a fast-growing Medical Center in Waterford, Michigan, Assist 1 Medical Center offers multiple services that aim to help improve the quality of life of many people in the greater metro Detroit Area.

Our Diagnostic Services in Michigan are delivered using state-of-the-art technology that provides accurate and fast results.

If you would like to learn more about our Ultrasound Services, you may give us a call at 248-977-1314.

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