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First Aid Classes and Imaging Services

Safety at the workplace should be of paramount importance for any company manager. People who know first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation are helpful during life-and-death situations.

Assist 1 Medical Center is a medical center in Waterford, Michigan that offers CPR and first aid training programs for both beginners and professionals. Enroll your staff or have all your employees attend to promote health and safety in the workplace.

Getting free training from our CNA class can also work as an employee benefit, as they can use their life-saving knowledge at home to care for their families and friends. Here are more advantages to being CPR-trained.

In addition to training sessions, we offer your company packages on imaging services, including ultrasounds and X-rays. You can rely on us to provide you with accurate results quickly.

Our ultrasound services include general ultrasound, small parts ultrasound, and vascular ultrasound, among other types of imaging. Our professional laboratory technicians and well-maintained equipment get the job done well.

If you are interested in enrolling your staff in first aid and CPR training classes or using our diagnostic services in Michigan, give us a call today at 248-977-1314.

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